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Castles of England and Wales - 14 dagen
Engeland, Wales
Castles of England and Wales - 14 dagen
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Reisschema: 1x nacht Londen regio west, 1x nacht Bristol, 1x nacht Cardiff, 2x nachten Ross on Whye, 1x nacht Harlech, 2x nachten Caernarfon/Llandudno, 1x nacht Chester, 1x nacht Stratford upon Avon, 1x nacht Royal Tunbridge Wells, 1x nacht Canterbury, 1x nacht Londen regio west

Hoogtepunten: Londen, Windsor Castle, Chepstow Castle, Caerphilly Castle, Monmouth Castle, Snowdonia National Park, Harlech Castle, Warwick Castle, Bodiam Castle 

Prijs vanaf

*** Met ENGELSTALIGE routebeschrijving *** Tijdens deze rondreis bezoekt u niet alleen de mooiste kastelen van Engeland en Wales, maar komt u ook langs vele anderen bezienswaardigheden. U ziet zo Engeland en Wales op haar allerbest en zult met  prachtige herinneringen huiswaarts keren. Tip: deze reis is perfect te combineren met een paar dagen Londen.

Dag 1

Arrival in England, drive to your first night accommodation.

U overnacht in: Londen regio west

Dag 2

Your Castles of England and Wales tour starts by heading west from London just a relativly short distance to Windsor Castle, still used today by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and is kept in almost perfect condition. Visit the place where Prince Charles married Camilla and see a few more highlights before continuing west to stay overnight near a castle that even today, still resonates with England history and is the only Tudor castle of England to be open as a hotel… kings and queens have stayed here.

U overnacht in: Bristol

Dag 3

Touring continues with medieval castles, crossing the River Severn to see the castles of Wales – the “Land of Castles”, visiting one of Britains oldest castles, Chepstow Castle and then to a “motte” castle, Caldicot before ending the day in the capital city of Cardiff itself where, in the city centre, the castle’s enchanting fairytale towers conceal a splendid interior.

U overnacht in: Cardiff

Dag 4

Tour north today to visit Caerphilly Castle which is one of the most impressive medieval castles of Wales and also the second largest. (Second only to Winsor Castle and making it the largest in Wales). Lord Tennyson, the poet, described it as “it isn’t a castle – it’s a town in ruins”. Then on to Raglan Castle to see the remains of the 15th century moated fortress with its huge hexagonal keep. The surrender of this castle in 1646 to the parliamentary forces marked the end of the English Civil War.

U overnacht in: Ross on Wye

Dag 5

Free day at Ross on Wye.

U overnacht in: Ross on Wye

Dag 6

Spend a little time today seeing Monmouth castle then tour onward to mighty Goodrich Castle, which stands majestically on the sandstone crag above the River Wye valley. Continue touring north to pass through the Snowdonia National park for your overnight stop.

U overnacht in: Harlech

Dag 7

Visit the World Heritage site that is Harlech Castle, set on the cliffs overlooking Tremadog Bay. This is one of the “iron ring” of fortresses built by Edward I and during the War of the Roses inspired the song “Men of Harlech”. Continue to the walled town of Caernarfon where the castles battlements and towers command the entrance to the Menai Straights. Stand on the spot where Prince Charles was invested as Prince of Wales.

U overnacht in: Caernarfon/Llandudno

Dag 8

Free day at Caernarfon.

U overnacht in: Caernarfon/Llandudno

Dag 9

East today, touring along the coast to Conwy to see one of the best preserved medieval fortified towns in Britain with Edward I ’s great castle, 200 historical and listed buildings and the engineering marvels of Thomas Telford’s 1826 suspension bridge, Robert Stephenson’s 1848 tubular railway bridge and the relatively modern road bridge that span the River. Continue to spend the night near another castle that is also a hotel.

U overnacht in: Chester

Dag 10

William the Conquerer’s Warwick Castle has few rivals in scale and grandeur as it towers over the River Avon. Medieval re-enactments bring this castle to life and you will spend most of the day here being facinated with England history. Overnight in Stratford upon Avon, home of William Shakespeare

U overnacht in: Stratford upon Avon

Dag 11

By-pass London and continue south to see Bodiam Castle in East Sussex. This castle – which is more of a fortified house - dates from 1385 and was recently voted as Britains 4th most popular castle.

U overnacht in: Royal Tunbridge Wells

Dag 12

Move on to Dover Castle, which commands the shortest sea crossing from France. The castle was built in the 12th century but has been Britain’s most important defence since the Iron Age. The underground tunnels date from the Napoleonic wars as well as World War II. Overnight in charming Canterbury with it's majestic cathedral.

U overnacht in: Canterbury

Dag 13

160km.  Return to London today via Leeds Castle in Kent, which has been the residence of six of England’s medieval queens as well as a Norman stronghold. In London, visit the Tower of London, one of the worlds most famous and spectacular fortresses that also combines prison, mint, arsenal and jewel house.

U overnacht in: Londen regio west

Dag 14

Last day of this trip: Return home via plane or ferry

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